Sexual dysfunctions in women with type 2 diabetes, prevalence and characterization in the Eje Cafetero, Colombia, 2015-2018

Published: 24 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2jmvsgsrnr.1


Background: The deterioration of sexual functioning in women is one of the main complications of diabetes. Materials and methods: an observational study that analyzed the sexual function of 417 participants. Women over 18 years of age with type 2 diabetes, sexually active in the last 6 weeks, residing in the Eje Cafetero (Colombia) were included. They were recruited from the external consultation, in three private clinics. The Female Sexual Function Index validated in Spanish was carried out. Socio-demographic variables, sexual and reproductive health history, sexual behavior, frequency of global sexual dysfunction, and type of sexual dysfunction were measured. Descriptive statistics of the information were performed. Results: The mean age was 35.19 ± 8.76 years. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction in all the participants was 77.93%. The Female Sexual Function Index score in affected women was 22.59 ± 8.43 points. Sexual difficulties characterized sexual desire (77.93%), lubrication (74.58%) and arousal (73.1%). 41.48% had one sexual dysfunction, 26.85% two and 31.65% 3 or more sexual dysfunctions, with a median of 3 sexual dysfunctions per woman. Conclusions: in women from the Coffee Region with type 2 diabetes, there is a high prevalence of sexual dysfunctions, which exceeds half of the population; characterized mainly by disorders of desire and lubrication. Immediate interventions are urgently needed in order to establish an adequate diagnostic and therapeutic plan.


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an observational study that analyzed the sexual function of 417 participants. Women over 18 years of age with type 2 diabetes, sexually active in the last 6 weeks, residing in the Eje Cafetero (Colombia) were included. They were recruited from the external consultation, in three private clinics. The Female Sexual Function Index validated in Spanish was carried out. Socio-demographic variables, sexual and reproductive health history, sexual behavior, frequency of global sexual dysfunction, and type of sexual dysfunction were measured. Descriptive statistics of the information were performed.


Universidad Simon Bolivar


Female Sexual Dysfunction
