Factors associated with student dropout in nursing students at the Simon Bolivar University

Published: 27 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hry9ccctpb.1


In order to analyze the Genesis and identify the relevance of the information obtained for the investigative development, an investigation was carried out taking into account as a general objective -Determine how the factors associated with the educational process are determinant in the undergraduate university student dropout in the assistance modality of the Nursing program of the Simón Bolívar University period 2018-2019-. Within the problem statement, the situations that arise when a student deserts the University Senate are described, which generates the question: What are the factors associated with university student desertion in the Nursing program of the Simón Bolívar University in the Period 2018-2019? The justification of this work is due to the increase in Nursing students, who for different reasons drop out of the University in different semesters, among them are described some factors such as family academic and economic, among others, which since 2017, has been controlled by the institution, becoming the reason for this investigation, due to its incidence in abandoning the career by students. In the Theoretical Framework is all the literature researched on this problem of students, and each of the topics developed in this chapter are duly supported by Authors who have carried out important studies. In this research, the empirical-analytical approach was applied. Analyzing the behavior of three variables and their level of link to university student dropout in the Nursing Program of the Simón Bolívar University in the period 2018-2019. Keywords: Associated factors, literature, research, student desertion.



Universidad Simon Bolivar, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California


Literature, University Student, Student, Colombia
