Comparative study of the Fundamental Frequency, Jitter and Shimmer in normal hearing and hard of hearing schoolchildren
Background: The vocal function depends on the auditory feedback in this sense. Analysis of the variations in the fundamental frequency and the disturbances of the voice in schoolchildren with hearing loss and normal hearing allows to establish reference parameters of duration in the transition between syllables, tension, resonance imbalance, high frequency, difficulties in speech-breathing coordination and frequent speech incoordination with excessive variation. Methods: Quantitative descriptive study of comparative scope between the acoustic parameters of: fundamental frequency (FO), Jitter and Shimmer, of 38 schoolchildren, of which 19 bilateral hearing loss and 19 children with normal hearing, aged between 9 to 15 years, inhabitants of the city of Cúcuta Norte de Santander. Results: One of the schoolchildren in the normal hearing group presented a unilateral partial plug that did not affect the hearing threshold, in relation to the type of hearing loss 17 with sensorineural hearing loss and 2 with conductive hearing loss with degrees of moderate to profound, significant associations were found in variations of the disturbances where the JITTER in May in schoolchildren with hearing loss and the SHIMMER in greater in the normal hearing population. Conclusions: Hearing loss, inadequate speech production together with poor language comprehension, due to the incorrect performance of the feedback phenomenon, will be very difficult to self-correct their articulatory difficulties.
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Quantitative descriptive study of comparative scope between the acoustic parameters of: fundamental frequency (FO), Jitter and Shimmer, of 38 schoolchildren, of which 19 bilateral hearing loss and 19 children with normal hearing, aged between 9 to 15 years, inhabitants of the city of Cúcuta Norte de Santander