Heart rate variability of male versus female track cyclists during an incremental test

Published: 24 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tkcggt2bkv.1


Introduction: This study shows the differences in heart rate variability (HRV) between men and women professional cyclists, during a maximal incremental test. Objective: To evaluate HRV in professional male and female track cyclists during a maximum incremental test of 12 min. Methods:18 professional cyclists competing in track events participated, 7 women age: 22 ± 5.9 years; years of training 5.8 ± 2.9 and 11 men age: 21.4 ± 4.4 years; years of training 6.7 ± 3.3. The incremental test for men started with 100 watts and 50 watt increments up to 300 watts, then 20 watt increments, every 2 minutes, pedaling cadence 75-90 rpm. Women started with 50 watts, 50 watt increments up to 200 watts, then 20 watt increments, every 2 minutes, pedaling cadence 65-80 rpm. Results: First stage, there was no significant difference in HRV between the groups. Second stage, RMSSD was significantly higher in women. Third stage, LF/HF was significantly higher in men. Fourth to sixth stage, there was no significant difference in HRV. During thefirst minute of recovery, there was no significant difference in HRV. Conclusions: During an incremental test in speed-trained cyclists, significant differences were observed in HRV but at different exercise intensities between men and women. On the otherhand, at the same intensity of exercise there are no significant differences in HRV, as in the first minute of recovery. This indicates that the evaluation of HRV where men and women are included, the incremental test protocol must be exactly the same.


Steps to reproduce

Datos procesado en el software SPSS ver 15.0.


Universidad Simon Bolivar


Heart Rate Variability
