Situation and perceptions of Venezuelan migrants settled in Cúcuta, La Parada and Los Patios de Norte de Santander, Colombia

Published: 1 November 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/tw2pxrvxtt.3


This database allows the study of the effects of migration from different perceptions, situations, behaviors, feelings and socioeconomic aspects and in the subjectivities of Venezuelan immigrants in host populations such as Cúcuta, La Parada and Los Patios de Norte de Santander, Colombia. The variables under study are: 1. Sociodemographic: sex, age groups, couple situation, educational level, occupational profile, migratory status, time in Colombia, area where they live, with whom they live, head of household, Venezuelan state of origin. 2. Cultural and social aspects: obstacles to settlement and permanence in Colombia related to the language used, customs and norms of behavior in the host place, perception of episodes of xenophobia and rejection, violence, limitations and feelings of Venezuelan immigrants. 3. Current employment status: access to employment, formal or informal sector, productive sector, pay compared to that received by local citizens, hours worked, number of days worked, episodes of accidents or occupational illnesses, and other working conditions. Unemployment: time without work, reasons for unemployment or reasons for being denied work. 4. Economic and social remittances: average income, frequency of remittances, percentage of income sent in remittances, means of remittance, destination of the money sent, impact on the quality of life of the immigrant who sends remittances. 5. Access to and exercise of rights and services promoted by the government: migration regulation processes, access to services, access to the Covid 19 vaccine, access to housing and public services. 6. Access to and exercise of rights and services promoted by international organizations: support in regularization processes, access to services, access to housing.


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The target population was represented by Venezuelan men and women who participate in activities organized by leaders of the Fundación Humildad Extrema in the city of Cúcuta, Fundación Horizonte de Juventud in La Parada and by the community leader in Los Patios. Likewise, the immigrants who voluntarily participated in this study are of legal age, Venezuelan by birth, have more than one year of having emigrated from Venezuela, do not possess Colombian nationality, and may have regular or irregular migratory status in Colombia. The sampling design was of a non-probabilistic snowball type, being a sampling technique in which the immigrants who were initially selected, through the contact made with the community leaders mentioned above, collaborated with the inclusion of other participants among their acquaintances who also participate in the activities carried out in the community. This procedure resulted in a sample size of 177 Venezuelan immigrants surveyed, distributed as follows: Cúcuta: 110 La Parada: 33 Los Patios: 34 The period of application of the instrument in Cúcuta, La Parada and Los Patios began on July 26 and concluded on October 16, 2022. The instrument applied was a structured survey validated by an expert in cross-border studies. The survey consisted of 92 questions, was systematized in a Google Form and was applied face to face. At the time of beginning the collection of primary information, each of the immigrants included in the sample read the informed consent form, through which they voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. Microsoft Excel is required to access the data. And to access the instrument applied in the study (structured survey), a PDF reader is required.


Universidad Simon Bolivar, Universidad de Pamplona


Human Rights, Multicultural Awareness, International Migration, Labor Migration, Sociodemographics, Remittance
